Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Do I have more than one level?

So ya'll know at this point that I am a radical healthy person. I am CONSTANTLY taking things health wise to the next level but in that I have to wonder....is that all that I am about? Am I that one dimensional that people see me as only the crazy healthy woman? I have to reflect because something very interesting happened today at work:

My coworker and I are doing a juice cleanse. We blend fruits and vegetables together and drink them for our breakfast, lunch, and dinner. The goal is to do this for one month. Now we only have the teacher's lounge to blend in so of course when people enter they are curious. There are a few people who just don't seem interested in nutrition, eating healthy, making changes etc. Sidebar: while we all have things to work on, from a nutritional standpoint it bothers me greatly that these particular woman don't care because they are overweight and have some health issues. One has great trouble coming down the stairs because of the pressure the additional weight she carries puts on her knees, and the other has blood clots and is continuously gaining weight. Day in and day out I watch them bring in fast food, fried food, processed food etc. I have said a few things when I felt it would be received and when I saw that it was no longer received, I left it alone. And those that know me know that I am not judging, I am just genuinely concerned about them.

So now that you have some background knowledge, today one of the women came in and immediately turned the TV on in the room. The TV is NEVER on and I knew that doing that was a guise to keep us from discussing anything dealing with nutrition and to distract others that may want to know what was going on with us. They then carried on their own conversation, and I could just feel the negative energy throughout the room. At first I was offended and I made a plan:1. Post something on FB about it 2. Hide the remote 3. Talk to others NOT addressing the person about it in a negative way.

Of course being a mature Christian, I knew that was not the answer and I do actually plan on going to ask them how they feel. I was going to confront the issue, but now I am curious about their side of the story. Maybe when they see me, they are annoyed that all I talk about is health, am always happy, and really don't discuss anything else other than church(health ministry, sometimes God), summer camp(health summer camp), and my personal life(how my husband deals w/ me being so healthy). Notice in all of those were the word HEALTH! Maybe they have insecurities and by me always talking about health, they feel like all eyes are on them. I don't know but I'm just trying to be reflective in my thoughts.

That leads me to take a closer look at myself, am I really THAT one dimensional that all I have to talk about is health? I realize this is my calling, my passion, my love, but their are many other things that I am about. First and foremost the will of God- that's another thing- while it is good, that is my second most talked about thing- the dreams I have, God dealing with me, praying, spiritual warfare, etc., etc., and while I say it's the second it is truly the first because I believe my calling to heal is to guide others closer to God and their purpose....there I go AGAIN!!! Let me get back to what else there is about me:

Hmmmm I LOVE to laugh,I LOVE making others laugh, I LOVE hanging out, I LOVE the beach and nature(to an extent, I am not camping lol), I LOVE LOVE LOVE my husband and my family, I LOVE my dog, I LOVE meeting new people, I LOVE interior decorating and house projects, I LOVE the idea of being a mother and can't wait to build a family, I LOVE when someone else is blessed, I can go on and on but I am already starting to feel better. There are more things to me than just health, I just have to take the time to intentionally make them known both verbally and non verbally.

So I'm setting a goal for myself: I will begin to show others and myself that there are more things to me than just health...starting RIGHT NOW!! Thank you for your time and attention!

Yours NOT just in health,
Nakeesha, the beach lover lol