Monday, March 17, 2014

My first week of going all RAW

Raw week 1 DONE!
So far things are going good. This weekend was daylight savings so I’m excited to make up for the hour I lost through the added energy I will get from eating all raw. I was telling my husband that even from last week up to now how much better I feel (I went back to all plant-based lifestyle during lent, though I did have a milkshake on Saturday). That proved a few things to me:
  1. This type of lifestyle works best for me so I’m going to have to continue it with a few treats splashed here and there.
  2. The “few treats” will have to be sporadic and the plant based meals will have to be what I eat the majority of the time.
  3. I can still enjoy a treat or two (okay I had fries that day too lol but that’s plant based right?) and feel great I just have to be strict with the treats and very free with the plant based portion.
As I said so far so good. We are going on a dinner date this Friday to a Mexican place so pray for me!!! I already looked at the menu and saw a good looking salad but I usually like getting either veggie fajitas (not cooked in butter) or fish tacos (when I’m in a fish mood) so I’m already mentally psyching myself up to be VERY excited about the salad. MMMMM I can taste it now lol!
But really I am excited about how great I’m feeling now and will feel in the future so this makes it worth it, not to mention the kale salad, delicious smoothies, marinated cucumbers, banana ice cream(YUM), homemade chocolate almond milk, and more makes it just a lot of fun and DELICIOUS!

**I did eat some popcorn on Thursday during scandal. It was healthy though. I don't think raw popcorn would be good lol

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