Monday, December 5, 2011

Where it all began....

Since I can remember, I haven't been happy with my weight. I got over my height in college first when it seemed like guys couldn't get enough of me, and then later on when I learned to accept myself as God made me. But my weight? That's a different issue. Homemade diets, pills, Weight Watchers starvation, insecurities, gorging, food addictions, overeating, and overweight are all things that were a part of who I was. It seemed like nothing EVER worked. I didn't really care about the health aspect of it, but more so the superficial aspect- wearing a bikini, and squatting enough to "get" a butt. I have to say that the year 2006 began this journey that I just can't seem to shake!

During down time at work, I just randomly begin searching "six pack". I've always wanted a six pack and have tried many things to accomplish getting one- the ab roller and weights on a bench just to name a few. So a book title comes up: The Abs Diet by David Zinckenko. I go to Target and pick it up because it says "get a six pack in sic weeks". I was immediately sold. Little did I know this book would completely change my life.

Did I get a six pack in six weeks? Absolutely not, but what I did get was a wealth of information that lead me to where I am today. This book taught me about good and bad products to have, what high fructose corn syrup was...who knew I had that chemical in almost everything I owned in my kitchen and had to make a change! I did have to go grocery shopping and make some major changes and at first- no they were not fun at all but when I began to feel the benefits and even better see them, I was hooked!

So at that point people are starting to notice my drastic weight loss. It took four months for me to lose about 35lbs. I knew something was happening when people began calling me for advice, asking tips while at the grocery store, and at the restaurant. And also purchasing the book! For me though I have to say I knew this was my calling first when I noticed I started advising people and caring about their health as much as mine, AND I had a following! People were literally joining the gym I was a part of and meeting me at 6am!! That's right...while it was still dark, they were coming as far as Greenbelt, to Forestville to meet little ole' me(figuratively and literally lol).

Now here we are: went from 210lbs at my heaviest to 175lbs, certified nutritionist, vegan-in-training, director of the health ministry in my church, in school to become a medical missionary, and I'm ready and willing to keep going as God sees fit.

There you have it, where it all began. Stay tuned because I have lots more to say!!


  1. Wow boo this is awesome. You are a powerful woman of God.

  2. True example of never knowing what one has been through, and you are such a great blessings to the lives of many, keep up the good work

  3. I'm so proud of my sister and you are in your calling. I definitely need to start taking care of myself and losing my weight. I'm too heavy for my height and age, but I can't be no vegan. Vegan is hard LOL. Anyway I love blogs and I'm loving this blog already! Keep it up and I look forward to reading more. Time to add you to my blog!
