Thursday, May 30, 2013

Fuel Not Flood Your Body

Fuel not Flood your Body by Nakeesha Harris, M.S., CNC, CMM
Title inspired by Deborah Moneterio
Generally when something has flooded it is not a good thing- damage to property, mold, insurance, and money all come to mind with this type of destruction. This actually is the same thing we do to our bodies when we flood them with unhealthy things- we damage, we promote growth of unhealthy toxins (mold), we have to use our insurance, and we definitely have to pay money to try and fix the problem.
 In this article we are going to look at ways that we as humans flood our bodies destructively daily BUT we are also going to share practical solutions that we can put into place today even while reading to end this destructive behavior and get on track. This can be done!
There are three ways that I believe we flood our bodies, nutritionally, in our minds, and in our spirits. Let’s look at each:
o    Abundance of unhealthy foods-fast food, sweets, processed foods (even healthy ones), enriched flour, sugar etc.
The Solution!!
·         FAVE- Fruits And Vegetables Eat!!- preferably as many raw foods as possible- I know that everyone is not a vegan and some may be far from even thinking of becoming anything close HOWEVER I will STRONGLY recommend a more plant based lifestyle with a splash of animal products, I PROMISE your body will love you! Of course exercise plays a huge part as well. Moving and getting up your heart rate along with eating well makes a VERY happy body.
In our Mind-
o   Everything starts in the mind, stress, negativism, depression etc., all begin in the mind. We have to take steps to clear our minds and grow in health:
The Solution!!
Less television, more reading, family time, flood your mind with positivity- for the most part television is filled with negative images that can begin to permeate into your mind and form habits that you are not even aware of how it begin. 
Eat your meal w/o the television on- spend 30 min to an hour with your family or by yourself reading or just talking about goals and life, set a goal to reach the goals you have by yourself by turning off the television and growing you!
Our Spirit-
o   If you believe in a Higher power know that He has got everything under control. We are free of worry and given a gift of peace- let’s willingly accept this gift and allow God to be God instead of worrying about things we have no control over.
The Solution!!
·         Prayer, thanksgiving
·         reading the Word, inspirational quotes
·         encouraging prayer partner- feed your spirit with positive things
So let’s review:  from this point forward we are going to fuel our health and not flood our health by
·         FAVE- fruits and vegetables eat
·         Turning off the television- setting goals, spending time with family
·         spending time with God-prayer, meditation, reading, with a friend
Challenge- This month increase each of these suggestions- even if by one piece of fruit, one minute less of television, reading one scripture, do something to fuel your body and not flood it.
You can do it!!!
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