Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Practice doesn’t always make Perfect

Wow….where do I begin. These past couple of days I’ve been through a personal  nutritional whirlwind. I almost don’t want to share but I have to because it may help someone.  So, I had a lot to do this weekend: birthday party, bridal shower, household duties, church, errands etc. Now in the past, this never meant anything as far as my eating lifestyle but boy this weekend really made me reflect. So I’ve been a vegan for about 8 months now and really have had no cravings, slip ups, backslides, or anything….until this weekend. Let me summarize (I’m scared)..okay here it goes:
·         Friday- Busboys and Poets- my favorite restaurant- all vegan food not the healthiest but was good. Mind you I ate when I was NOT hungry( a no no in my book).
·         Saturday- God Daughter’s birthday party- the menu: salad (I could eat), potato salad, tuna salad, pizza, chicken shish kabobs, and cake.
o   For some reason all of the sudden I started craving the potato salad, tuna salad, and pizza BAD. I prayed, ate the salad and put a piece of veggie pizza on a plate to the side and had an internal battle that the pizza finally won. I was an instant VEGETARIAN!!! WHAT AM I THINKING? What will others think?
o   Then I went to a bridal shower and snuck a mac and cheese puff thingy that everyone was raving about.
§  Now I’m scared that I may get sick or someone will think differently of me.
§  Did anyone see me do it? I hope they don’t think differently of me.
The rest of the days involved cheez it’s, and salt and vinegar potato chips (vegan but not good).
So of course I’ve been reflecting, praying, and trying to figure out what is going on with me and I have come to this:
I don’t feel guilty and I’m wondering why which leads me to the below numbers.
1.       Hmmm I am not perfect, I don’t always have to eat perfectly, and I do slip up even to the point of not being a true vegan occasionally (Sorry Peta).
2.       Maybe this will help others who feel like they can’t stay the course understand that even the strictest, most self-controlled nutritionist can get off course temporarily.
3.       I cannot allow what I think others will think to dictate what I eat or the health decisions I make because my mishaps might free someone else.
4.       Another thing I noticed is I put too much pressure on myself- I went from meat eater straight to veganism. I didn’t even consider becoming a vegetarian or pescetarian (fish eater) and now I’m trying to be a raw vegan. It’s too much, I need to slow down!
5.        Just like I tell others, I need to take things one step at a time and allow myself to fully get used to one thing. Not that I think I will turn back but this does help in case I have any more slip ups and it also helped when I packed my lunch today. I didn’t just try to pack fruit and veggies with no sauce, dressing etc. (Long story that’s another blog). That’s how I fell.
In conclusion, I do still consider myself a vegan (majority raw) I don’t plan on turning back but there may be times that you see me indulge if and when this ever happens again.
 There is a scripture that talks about pressing towards the mark. I can honestly equate that to this health journey I’m on as we speak. I will continue to press, I may fall but I will get right back on and share with all of you what’s happening along the way. In other words practice doesn’t always mean it’s perfect.
Hope this helps someone!!


  1. Keesh, this is a really great post! What's funny is I did not see you get a mac & cheese bite (it was good wasnt it lol) - but I felt your struggle at the party with everyone indulging in everything but there was nothing but Salad for you oh and the Oreos (which I didnt see you try lol), that's why every time we do something I always try to tie something in for you. Now I must say I know it took a lot for you to make this post, but you better believe I look at you as a totally different person now (in a good way), being able to post this shows me how true you are to yourself and your mission of great health. You beat yourself up for eating food that is healthy in a "non vegan" eye, for me that shows your passion towards what you stand for. We all have slipped up here and there on our journeys - but we pick ourselves up and move on. I dont consider what you did a mistake, it happens. And like you said leaving meat and going straight to raw and etc. was a bold move so what you went through this weekend was only expected. Its ok really - to me this moment serves as a reason for me to believe in your ministry even more because who else would take the time to admit shortcomings just because they know it will help somebody (<<<----that will preach lol) With love....

    1. Thank you soooo much Angie!! For some reason whenever I eat bad or do something that is totally not like me I always feel the need to blog about it because I believe it will truly help others. I appreciate your kind words and encouragement and I'm so glad you hear my heart about this! Love you!

  2. Keesh,
    I am so proud of you! And you should be as well. You're right, we all fall short (it's expected). The key is learning from it and moving forward with more of a "fight". It's even better that you're turning your slip ups into lessons and are sharing them with us! Thank you so much for sharing, for encouraging and for being who you are!!

    1. Thank you so much Meltonya! I appreciate your encouraging words. I'm going to keep going and I thank you for your support!

  3. So an evil part of me is excited that you ate the macaroni and cheese puff! It shows that you are human which many influential leaders fail to do. Because of this, they are not relatable and many tend to "freak out" when their perfect world crumbles. But you my dear, do a great job in showing that you are human and tend to make mistakes like the rest of us! I applaud you for this and thank you! Bravo! Thank you for sharing your journey with us and being willng to share, as a leader, that you make mistakes! Can't wait to read your next blog :)

    1. LOL! I love the evil part lol. You should have seen me sneak it, lol. I appreciate your support Krys you are the best!

  4. Don't beat yourself up Keesh...I wanted you to know that I saw you get the Mac and cheese puffy thing :-/ and to be truthful I did think is that vegan, but I quickly said to myself who cares I'm happy you ate it and enjoyed it. Everyone has a time in there life when they will not do everything perfect. We are all human. If we were perfect where would we be???

    But I will say that is it because of you that I'm looking to explore some vegan aspects in my left to help change something’s. you inspire me and I'm sure many others!!! Keep up the good work.

    PS can you email the stuff that you put in that yummy salad we had. I want to get the ingredients from whole Foods.

  5. You are a great example for everyone even men. You set a standard that I'm trying to work towards. Thank you for this post because it helped me to realize that we are not perfect but we are striving towards excellence. You are amazing.
