Monday, June 25, 2012

Lesson Learned

Yesterday I let my mind get me and I ate some chips AND a veggie sub from subway. While the sub wasn't horrible, my body is adjusting and getting used to not having bread and especially not having chips. I reasoned with myself because they were a healthier version of chips BUT they were still chips. I even had the nerve to eat an additional bag a few hours before bed time and boy did I pay the price!

I have read that you go to sleep easier when you eat at least 4 hours before going to bed. So I stopped eating after 6pm and have been sleeping like a baby minus last night. I was so annoyed with myself- restless, couldn't get comfortable, felt the chips digesting, all the no no's I was experiencing.

This morning I was discombobulated(big word lol) thought it was Saturday, and struggled to get up. Now I know some of you are like "Keesh, go sit down, it's one time." You are absolutely correct. I don't always practice what I preach and beat myself up when I eat unhealthy(my version of unhealthy) or don't do what I'm supposed to and I'm working on that BUT this time I don't like how I felt last night or this morning so the lesson for me is this: No eating before bed, AND work on not listening to my mind but allow my body to dictate what it needs and NOT what I want.

Anybody want to make me some raw chips? LOL!


  1. That does sound uncomfortable. That is what I need to work on stop eating so late, but it is hard given that I get home so late most days from work. I'm proud of you though and beating yourself up never helps, just do a little better next time. You are awesome in your goal to become a vegan and enjoy. Keep blogging I love reading your posts.

  2. Don't beat yourself up over a minor fallback! Although you may have felt like crap, you look amaze! Keep these blogs coming, I enjoy them!

  3. Thank you both!! I believe in treating myself, it's just the feeling afterwards told me I treated too much lol.
