Monday, June 18, 2012

I feel freakin GREAT!!!!!!

I feel GOOD!!!

WOW!! Words cannot explain just how good I feel! As I reflect, I have to reference a previous blog I wrote in which I set several goals for myself. Please see below with updates:

1.    Vegan-am

2.    Majority raw foods-somewhat- RAW VEGAN NOW!!!!

3.    No processed foods- pretty close

4.    No GMO's-working on- pretty close

5.    Make all food- pretty close

6.    Garden-future

7.    Juice Fast – done and will do again

8.    Cookbook/book-future- working on

These above goals basically list what I have accomplished and what I wanted to work on. So let me update you……I am now a raw vegan!! That means that I do not eat foods that are cooked above 105 degrees to keep the enzymes intact insuring my body is receiving all of the enzymes and nutrients. I have been reading this book called Living on Live Food by Allisa Cohen and I’m telling you this book has made me completely change my thinking as far as food is concerned. Not only that, I cannot express enough how GOOD I FEEL!!!! Let me list some things that have changed for me:

·         Every morning Mon-Fri I wake up at 5:30am and workout with my husband. I am not tired, I’m actually excited to get up and get it done.

·         I look forward to the day, I no longer press snooze on my alarm clock but am up and wide awake.

·         I appreciate nature, I notice the green of trees, I hear the birds, I desire to be outside

·         I need less sleep.

·         I am in a better mood overall.

·         I value my relationship with God more and really appreciate Him for who He is and just His overall awesomeness.

·         I really appreciate my husband and my love for him has grown. I have less attitudes and feel a stronger sense of admiration and respect for him.


·         MY CYCLE IS SOOOOOO LIGHT AND ONLY LAST MAYBE 3 DAYS. I MEAN LIGHT TO THE POINT THAT I DON’T EVEN HAVE TO WEAR ANYTHING TO PROTECT MYSELF MOST TIMES. I have had the same bag of “materials” for months!! For this reason alone, I won’t go back LOL!

·         I went from a 40G when I first started on my health journey years ago to a 34(I leave the cup size out for respect of my husband) but I can get PRETTY bra colors now not just nude and black which are the only color options for well-endowed women.

·         I’ve gone down two dress sizes

·         I actually LIKE the way I look in bathing suits.

I can go on and on but I think you get the idea. Do I crave cooked food? Yes. I actually had a few tortilla chips with some guacamole and made some popcorn the other day so let’s say I’m 99.9% raw. But even in and through those cravings, I feel too good to turn back. I am also finding new and fun things to cook. I am learning more about myself and life and am just plan happy!

Just wanted to share the good news with you all!!


  1. I am so proud of are such a great inspiration to me, my hubby and anyone you come in contact with. By watching you we surely have made changes with more to come. Thank you so much...keep moving forward

  2. Great inspiration to so many including me. I believe I would not be in the shape that I'm in today if it wasn't for you. You taught and I caught. Keep going because we ALL need your help.

  3. Thank you both for your encouraging comments! I am just trying to do what God has me to do and enjoy the ride!!

  4. Thanks for teaching and helping all of us eat and live better everyday. I've seen a difference just taking "baby steps". Keep sharing - we're listening. :)

  5. That is awesome Keesh!!! Congratulations on your goals!!!

  6. WOW!!! As always you continue to be an inspiration, and I truly thank God for your ministry...your life's mission. You do and will continue to make a difference. I appreciate you for setting an example, that although seems really hard, but let's us know that we can accomplish Divine Health if we put works to our faith. Love you so much. Thank you for sharing!

  7. Thank you Meltonya, "Unknown", and Jacquin!! It's amazing how making even small changes can make a difference.

  8. Congrats sis on accomplishing your goals and being so honest on your blog. I so want to get healthier and just reading your blog helps motivate me to try. I am no longer eating fast food and I hope to stay the course. It will be 5 months in July since I've had anything but Chipotle or Chik Filet. Thanks for sharing and being so positive. I can't wait for the book and cook book!!!!! I will buy a copy and get it signed by the number 1 Nutrition Guru.

  9. Thanks Jspot! I'm excited as well. You can do it the first steps you've already made speaks a lot! I'm proud of you!!!

  10. Wow Keesha, that is great. The benefits of living health definitely outweigh the temporal satisfaction of unhealthy habits and you have proven that!! The passion you have for teaching others to live healthy lives is invaluable. You lead by example and are very transparent in your challenges and well as your accomplishments and that is so refreshing. I pray God's best as you continue to be a blessing to others. Looking forward to your future blogs!!

  11. I am so glad that these amazing changes are happening to you! Your journey certainly inspires people like me to be more adventurous in trying healthier fruits and veggies! Continue to be an influence for us!

  12. Thank you so much Dana!! I feel the exact same about you!!

    Krystle I appreciate your comment and I'm humbled that I'm an inspiration! I'm so proud of how you have grown and started trying new things!!

  13. So I took a few minutes to support my sis a read your blog.. Wow so amazing!!! I'm so proud of you sis. Truly an inspiration to me and you always keep me motivated. You make me want to turn totally vegan but I'm not quite there However I love you for sharing and keeping us all motivated and sharing new ideas with us.

    Maybe I can be a partial
