Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Update about ME!

Happy Holidays!!!!!

Enjoy this time and get ready for 2014! It's time to take our health to a new level. It's time to Put YOU First.

I want to do this detox not just for YOU but for ME too! Yes....yes....and yes again I AM enjoying my holiday time. I am eating, enjoying family and friends, and relaxing. Of course for me the "eating" is in moderation BUT I am still enjoying more foods that I do not normally eat. Let me share some updates about myself:

  • I am no longer 100% vegan- I eat fish and dairy occasionally. I would like to think of myself as "plant-based". The majority of the time I'm eating foods that come from plants but I will eat other things. 
  • Being that I am no longer vegan, things for me are not as strict. I think if I lived in California being a vegan would be SOOOO much easier but it is what it is....I still love all vegan food and would probably choose that over anything else if it was an option.
  • I indulged on a few small pieces of turkey during Thanksgiving...shhhhhhhhh (lol)
  • I actually still feel great but I believe that's because I have worked VERY hard to really live a life of total health and well being.
  • This health and well being includes- daily prayer, daily reading, daily exercise(5 days), daily healthy eating (I do have treat days) and just constant working on bettering myself.
  • I feel FREE!!
Well that's about it for me, I am truly learning how to put me first and in that I want to share the principles that have really helped catapult me into this world of peace, joy, and health, and love.

Let's DO THIS!!!!!!

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