Monday, February 20, 2012

Time to get it together!

Soooo I'm noticing that I'm becoming a unhealthy vegan. Partly because of boredom, and partly because of lack of planning and self control. Maybe not unhealthy in most eyes but in my eyes, I definitely need to step my game up. Processed foods, fries, fried vegetables, and bread have been on my plate for a while now. I know that doesn't sound horrible, but for me it is not good at all.

Yesterday I ate at two places: Cracker Barrel and Buffalo Wild Wings- both places scream "if you're vegan run!!!" But nonetheless, I was with my family and my friends so I went. Normally every morning I start off with water, raw juice, and then fruit. The past couple of days it has been bread, or something that I normally don't begin with and I KNOW this is not healthy. For breakfast I had sourdough bread french toast and potatoes. For dinner I had fried onion rings, fries, chips and salsa, and of course I had to throw a salad in there, still no meat or animal products but not great either.

I think it all began with the Superbowl. I found all of these vegan dishes to make and they ended up being REALLY good- veggie pizza(my own recipe), nachos and cheese, corn muffins, chili, cupcakes, and cookies all vegan. Not to mention my famous mixture of juices. It was all soooo good even our company didn't know it was vegan! I just kept eating and eating and eating annnnddd eating. Before that, I really was just eating raw foods and some occasional cooked stuff and since then I have been going crazy! Drinking with my foods, just going overboard with my eating style and it kind of stuck.

Again I know this may not sound crazy but for me I feel like I am the example not just for others but for myself. I know what has been working for my body and my health, and when I fall off it's hard for me to get it back together BUT there's good news.....Lent is right around the corner and yes I participate in Lent.

So starting Tuesday- no processed foods at ALL, majority raw foods, and back to the way I was eating when I first started out along with some other spiritual things. I'm looking forward to growing and getting back to the extra healthy vegan that I started off as.

Keep me in your prayers!


  1. Results from SELF encouragement are always gratifying. Looks like thus far you've been able to steer yourself in what you believe is YOUR best direction. You can do it! You can do it!!...Your in my prayers.

  2. Thanks Linnita! I definitely appreciate that and need them!

  3. You are one amazing woman. You are doing a great job. Keep pressing. I hope I'm not affecting you. lol.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Mrs. Harris you are a great role model. Thanks to you my fiancee has been eating healthy every since we had your delicious vegan meals. Thanks so much :)
    Oh yeah and your famous mixture of juices I've been drinking it every since.

  6. Vegan let's go you can do it you can do it. I need another blog post soon too madame
